Task Force Police, LLC offers various security services. We offer our clients both armed and unarmed guards as well as patrols. Other services that we offer include private investigation, executive protection, training and disaster relief. No matter what your needs are, our teams are flexible to provide you the security that you need. Task Force Police carries out its operations throughout Puerto Rico.


The weapons can vary, some of these are non- lethal weapons, firearms, baton. All weapons are duly registered in accordance with the provisions of the law.


The uniform consists of a short sleeved black shirt with dark insignia and logos, black, blue and silver, plus long black pants, black shoes
and socks.


This consists of the placement of a security force according to the needs of the client, which complies with the general provisions of a security service.


Our Risk Management Team is characterized by its high degree of professionalism, product of a careful selection, training and quality service.


The transport consists of the official vehicles labeled for the use of the company.

Professional Guards
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Why Choose Us

Dedicated team with ontime response

Being the best means hiring the best, that is why you can trust that the security guards we employ are top caliber guards with the skill and experience that you expect. Recognized as leaders in the industry, we are proud of our security team and look forward to providing you with exceptional service.

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